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Complete by Lo-Chlor is a total stain treatment system that handles all three phases of stain removal like a pro! Now you can remove most common stains like iron, copper and manganese without the expense of an unnecessary renovation.

I’ve been running my pool business for over 10 years. Everyone runs into stain problems, and I sure did over the years. I tried many things to help correct problem stains: using chlorine tabs, putting muriatic acid right on the stains, brushing the stains with a steel brush. Nothing really seemed to work, until I tried Lo-Chlor’s “COMPLETE” kit with Multi-Stain Remover and Metal Gone. What a miracle product this has been! It really works. I cleared up some old stains in current customer pools and gained new customers because I cleared up their pool stains. I highly recommend this great product!

Steven Willett, Steve’s Pool Cleaning, Cape Coral, FL


All-In-One-Kit: Potent. Fast. Easy.

  • Reduce chlorine levels with Chlor-Nix® to prepare for stain removal
  • Lift stains with Multi-Stain Remover, triple-strength concentrate
  • Works on metal and organic stains
  • Keep metals away with Metal Gone
  • Clarify water to a sparkle with Miraclear® Gel Tab
  • Use stain kit on cement, fiberglass and vinyl liner pools
  • Compatible with all pool chemicals

Unsightly stains can ruin the beauty of your pool. Lo-Chlor has taken its three powerful and popular products for stain removal and combined them into one money-saving package.

Pull stains from the pool surface into water with Multi-Stain Remover. Control and remove stain-causing metals from water with Metal Gone. Finish with Miraclear Gel Tab to remove even the smallest impurities, leaving pool water sparkling and clear.

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