Fast Dissolve Stabilizer
Fast Dissolve Stabilizer ensures cost-saving, maximized results from chlorine, without the mess from typical stabilizers. Try this convenient product to stop chlorine loss in pools!
- Dissolves quickly and cleanly
- Leaves no mess on filter cartridges, skimmer baskets or pool floors
- Stabilizes liquid and dry forms of chlorine
- Easy to carry, handle and transport
- Compatible with salt chlorine generators
Fast Dissolve Stabilizer works fast and slows the breakdown of active chlorine due to UV rays from the sun and other adverse effects. Use less chlorine to get sanitized, healthy, pool water. Unlike typical stabilizers, no clumps of messy product will be left on the pool floor or filter. Hassle-free!
Available in: 1 LB
Fast Dissolve Stabilizer

- Backwash or clean filter and measure cyanuric acid level.
- Chlorinate pool water to satisfy chlorine demand (2-4 ppm).
- Adjust pH of pool water to the 7.2 -7.8 range. A pH of 7.4 is ideal for plaster pools and a pH of 7.6 is ideal for vinyl, fiberglass and painted pools.
- Through the skimmer, add Fast Dissolve Stabilizer at a rate of 2.5 to 3 pounds per 10,000 gallons [300 g-360 g per 10,000 L]. This should introduce about 30 to 35 ppm of cyanuric acid.
- Alternatively, pre-dissolve required amount (as above in step 4) of Fast Dissolve Stabilizer in a bucket of hot water and stir. Add solution to pool by pouring along the perimeter.
- DO NOT backwash or clean filter for at least 48 hours.
- A cyanuric acid level of 40-60 ppm [40-60 mg/L] is recommended. Use a test kit specific for cyanuric acid (pool stabilizer or conditioner). Add Fast Dissolve Stabilizer until proper levels are attained and add as required throughout the year.