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Chlor-Nix ®

Chlor-Nix was created to quickly reduce chlorine levels into a desired range. Use to avoid the problems that high chlorine levels create and allow metal stain removers to do their job.


  • Lowers chlorine and bromine levels
  • Fast acting
  • Perfect for reducing chlorine shock
  • Ideal for use with Multi-Stain Remover
  • Works with salt systems

Chlor-Nix drops chlorine levels in just minutes. Fast action means that stain treatments like Multi-Stain Remover can be used without lengthy delays, and bathers can re-enter pools quickly after a shock treatment.

This crystal formula is concentrated; use just two ounces (about two capfuls) to reduce chlorine by 1ppm in 15,000 gallons of water. Our wide-mouth 1 lb. bottle fits comfortably in your hand for easy dosing directly into the water.

Available in: 1 LB, 8 LB, 50 LB

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Chlor-Nix ®


2 oz Chlor-Nix per 15,000 gallons (57 m3)


Disperse 2 oz Chlor-Nix per 15,000 gallons (57 m3) throughout pool water to reduce chlorine by 1 ppm or bromine 2 ppm. EXAMPLE: 8 oz. reduces chlorine by 4 ppm in 15,000 gallons Typically works in 30 minutes. NOTE: Overdosing will make it difficult to later increase chlorine levels. Once all Chlor-Nix in the pool is consumed by chlorine or bromine, additional chlorine or bromine will result in normal ppm increases.
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