The early autumn is a wonderful outdoor weather experience. In the north its time for…

Reducing Chlorine Demand in Pools
Chlorine is, by far, the most popular “tool” for dealing with pool water challenges. Regardless of the chlorine source (salt system, tri-chlor tablets, liquid bleach, etc.), it deserves prominence. After all, chlorine is capable of disinfection, oxidation of organic debris and some water clarification. It is widely available and its cost per dose is within reach for most households.
But chlorine’s critical, and most efficient function in pool water, is limited to disinfection: the killing of water-borne pathogens in order to prevent bathers from getting sick. Over 75% of the chlorine dosed into residential swimming pools is sacrificed to other functions for which it is far less efficient. This is not merely wasteful of chlorine and the money spent on it. Excessive use of chlorine induces pool water chemistry swings which must be treated with balancing chemicals. Overuse of chlorine can also generate undesired oxidation by-products and accompanying odors and eye irritation. And so, pool water maintenance that should be easy, inexpensive and safe can become labor-intensive, costly and hazardous.
So, what to do? Fortunately, our understanding of practical pool water chemical dynamics has advanced over the past 20 years.
Most pool pros now know that phosphates enter pool water through innumerable sources and fuel algae growth. Keeping pool water phosphate levels in check is easy to do with maintenance doses of phosphate remover. Less well known is the fact that high quality enzyme products are far, far more efficient than chlorine in destroying the organic debris found in pool water that causes so many other common problems. A mere 5 ounces of Lo-Chlor® Lo-Phos® E+ each week can destroy as much organic debris as a gallon of weekly chlorine. And Lo-Phos E+ delivers a maintenance dose of phosphate remover each week, to boot!
In this way Lo-Phos E+, in conjunction with the original Lo-Chlor 90-Day Algicide, provides an easy, cost-effective recipe for pool water maintenance while dramatically reducing the demand for chlorine and the associated problems. Let Lo-Chlor do the work so you don’t have to.

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